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-Hey -


You made it to the super secret members only page for the love of my life in this universe and every other one in the vastness of space - time .


Shes really cool, caring, (sexy) and unbelievably tapped in with all things honorable and good. 


Stay tuned. More to come.


6/12/24: A few days until another birthday spent with you! Im so excited to be sharing every year of growth and development with you. 


Also a few hours until i see you again... 


DYGTTOU - (ifykyk) - 

***She did ****


6/19 - BAck to the office. The trip to MS was a huge success. Tell mom i said thanks for the hospitality and that im looking forward to doing more yardwork in soon. 



6/23 - Woke up super late this Sunday. The jetlag has been lagging my love. However - as the day progressed- and as i (with open arms) accepted your thoughts  of blessings. It made my day a bit




Love you to the edge of the universe and back.  


FYI major update for this super secret page sooon! 

"stay tuned"



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